/* file: shared-write.c compiling: gcc -o shared-write shared-write.c */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/shm.h> /* Make this global, so visible inside handler */ static char * shared_memory; static int segment_id; /* SIGNAL handler detach and deallocate */ void handler (int signumber) { shmdt (shared_memory); shmctl (segment_id, IPC_RMID, 0); exit (0); } int main (void) { key_t key = 2525; int segment_size = 0x6400; /* Needed for signal handler */ struct sigaction sa; /* install signal handler */ sa.sa_handler = & handler; sigaction (SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL); /* get a shareable segment */ segment_id = shmget (key, segment_size, IPC_CREAT | 0666); /* attach it with shared_memory */ shared_memory = shmat (segment_id, NULL, 0); /* write into */ sprintf (shared_memory, "0%d,Hello World", getpid()); /* wait for signal */ while (1) sleep (1); /* the program must exit through handler */ return -1; }
/* file: shared-read.c compiling: gcc -o shared-read shared-read.c */ #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> int main (void) { int segment_id; pid_t pid_of_brother; key_t key = 2525; char * shared_memory, string; int segment_size = 0x6400; char * ptr1, * ptr2, * ptr3; /* get the shared segment, using the same key */ segment_id = shmget (key, segment_size, 0666); /* attaching */ shared_memory = shmat (segment_id, NULL, 0); /* There is pid of the other process and a string split by a comma. Take the 2 values by walk through pointers */ ptr1 = strchr (shared_memory, ','); /* here I got the pid. If the pid is 4 numbers then one 0 is taken at begining of pid */ ptr2 = ptr1 - 5; /* and here is string */ ptr3 = ptr1 + 1; /* conver pid to pid type */ pid_of_brother = (pid_t) atoi (ptr2); /* write string to stdout */ printf ("%s\n", ptr3); /* send SIGUSR1 signal to other process saying HEY I FINISH so it can detach and deallocate the shared memory */ kill (pid_of_brother, SIGUSR1); return 0; }running:
$ ./shared-write &
[1] 2026
$ ./shared-read
Hello World
[1]+ Done ./shared-write
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